
What Level Is Public Trust - Background Investigation?

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The Background Investigation Procedure

National Security Adjudicative Guidelines

Interim Determination


Continuous Evaluation Program


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The Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) conducts personnel security background investigations for the Department of State and other federal agencies.

These investigations provide data for DSS to determine an applicant's or current employee's national security eligibility.

DSS conducts more than 38,000 personnel security actions each year for the Department of Country and other federal agencies.

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A job candidate receives a conditional offer of employment and completes and submits the appropriate form – either a Questionnaire for National Security Positions, Questionnaire for Not-Sensitive Positions, or Questionnaire for Public Trust Positions – and other required forms to the appropriate hiring office.

Watch A Welcome Video from Director General Marcia Bernicat

The hiring office reviews and submits the completed questionnaire and other required forms – known equally the security package – to DSS.
DSS reviews the security packet and formally opens a groundwork investigation.
DSS conducts record and fingerprint checks against commercial and government databases.
DSS verifies and corroborates key data and events from the candidate's past and contempo history.  This may include interviews of people who know the candidate well.  The investigator may conduct a face-to-confront interview with the candidate every bit office of the process.
After the investigation is complete, DSS adjudicates and determines the candidate'south national security eligibility according to Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) four: National Security Adjudicative Guidelines .
In some cases, background investigations may be forwarded to a Section of State Human being Resources suitability panel.
After determining the candidate's national security eligibility, DSS contacts the advisable hiring say-so.

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What  are the National Security Adjudicative Guidelines?

The guidelines are divers in theSecurity Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) 4: National Security Adjudicative Guidelines  and are the single common criteria used to evaluate all individuals who require national security eligibility.

All Executive Branch agencies utilise these guidelines when rendering a national security eligibility determination.

What factors are considered?

National security eligibility determinations accept into account a person'south:

  • Stability
  • Trustworthiness
  • Reliability
  • Discretion
  • Grapheme
  • Honesty
  • Judgment
  • Unquestionable loyalty to the U.S.

What factors may not be considered?

In making a national security eligibility decision, the federal government does not discriminate on the basis of:

  • Race
  • Color
  • Organized religion
  • Sex
  • National origin
  • Inability
  • Sexual orientation

Negative conclusions cannot be made solely on the basis of mental wellness counseling.

When will national security eligibility be granted?

DSS considers all bachelor, reliable information about a person – past and present, favorable and unfavorable – when reaching a national security eligibility determination.  DSS shall grant national security eligibility only when the information demonstrates that such eligibility is clearly consistent with the interests of the U.s.a..  Any uncertainty shall be resolved in favor of U.South. national security.

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What  is an interim decision?

A favorable interim determination allows the applicant to start working before the total groundwork investigation is complete and before DSS grants the concluding national security eligibility determination.

When is an acting determination granted?

In exceptional circumstances, the hiring function may request an interim decision.  DSS may be able to grant an interim determination afterwards reviewing a complete security package and later on certain investigative checks come back with favorable results.

What does it mean if the interim determination is denied?

If an applicant's interim determination is denied, additional investigative work must have place prior to a final decision. The denial of an bidder's interim determination does not accept negative implications for the applicant's final national security eligibility determination.

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Employees are discipline to reinvestigation based on their level of security clearance.

What happens during a reinvestigation?

DSS notifies the employee when information technology is time for a reinvestigation.  The employee submits an updated security bundle, and DSS conducts a groundwork investigation.

What is covered in this background investigation?

The investigation volition comprehend central aspects of the bidder'south life since the previous background investigation.  Information technology may exist necessary to readdress certain issues equally farther information or patterns are developed.

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The Function of the Director of the National Intelligence (ODNI) implemented the Continuous Evaluation (CE) program in December 2016 to ensure the federal government maintains a strong and trusted workforce.  CE applies to all Executive Branch personnel who require eligibility for admission to classified information or eligibility to hold a sensitive position.

What does CE practise?

CE maximizes the use of automated records to identify security-relevant information earlier and more oft than the electric current reinvestigation cycle.  CE records checks supplement data obtained during initial and periodic reinvestigations, transforming them into ongoing reviews rather than snapshots.

Read More About the Continuous Evaluation Plan

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What is the purpose of a security clearance?

The purpose of a security clearance is to allow an individual access to classified national security information.

Can I apply for a security clearance?

No. Applicants cannot initiate a security clearance application on their ain.

Who determines whether I need a security clearance? When does this happen?

Hiring officials decide whether a Department of Land position will require a security clearance based upon the duties and responsibilities of the position.  If the position requires access to classified information, a background investigation must be conducted.  This is done afterward a provisional offering of employment is given to an bidder.

Do I have to be a U.South. denizen to receive a security clearance from the Section of Land?

Yes.  When the Department of Land'due south  mission has compelling reasons, however, immigrant alien and strange national employees who possess special expertise may, at the discretion of the Department of State, be granted limited access to classified information only for specific programs, projects, contracts, licenses, certificates, or grants.

How many types or levels of security clearance are there?

There are 3 levels of security clearance: confidential, hush-hush, and top cloak-and-dagger.

Who decides the level of clearance?

The Department of State'south  Agency of Global Talent Management determines whether a position volition crave a security clearance, as well as the level required, based upon the duties and responsibilities of the position and using OPM'southPosition Designation Tool .

What is a public trust? A not-sensitive position?

Public trust and depression risk/non-sensitive determinations are not security clearances.

Public trust determinations are requested for applicants whose positions will crave access to data at the high- or moderate-chance levels, based upon duties and responsibilities of the position.  A public trust groundwork investigation will include many aspects of a full security clearance investigation.

Depression-risk/not-sensitive determinations are requested for applicants whose positions have depression-risk levels, based upon duties and responsibilities of the position.

What work does a security clearance allow a person to practice?

A security clearance allows an individual filling a specific position to take admission to classified national security information up to and including the level of clearance that they hold equally long every bit the individual has a "need to know" the information and signed a not-disclosure agreement.

Will my clearance be transferable to other federal agencies?

Reciprocity is the acknowledgement and credence of an existing background investigation conducted by an authorized investigative agency; the acceptance of a national security eligibility arbitrament determined by an authorized adjudicative agency; and the credence of an active national security eligibility conclusion granted by an executive branch agency. Federal agencies will normally take another agency's investigation every bit the ground for granting a security clearance in accordance with SEAD vii: Reciprocity of Background Investigations and National Security Adjudications. Any significant changes in an applicant's situation since his or her final investigation may be considered.  Some federal agencies might accept additional investigative or adjudicative requirements that must be met prior to their accepting a clearance granted by some other agency.

Can I transfer my security clearance for private sector employment?

Security clearances just apply to positions that fall under the purview of the federal regime.  Executive Order 12968, Access to Classified Information, provides that security clearances are only granted to persons employed past, detailed or assigned to, or working on behalf of the federal regime.

How long is my security clearance valid afterwards I leave the federal government?
The security clearance must be administratively removed when the employee no longer has need for access. DSS will revalidate a security clearance in accord with SEAD 7: Reciprocity of Background Investigations and National Security Adjudications.
Does having a security clearance guarantee employment  with the Department of State?

The hiring process addresses whether someone volition be initially selected for a particular position within the Department of State. The security clearance process does not begin until after a conditional offer of employment is given.

Are members of my family unit or people living with me subject to a security bank check?

In that location are circumstances in which limited records checks or an investigation may be conducted on a spouse or cohabitant.

How oftentimes is a security clearance renewed?

An private is normally subject field to reinvestigation approximately every 5 years for a Secret or Summit Secret clearance.

For what reasons would I be denied a security clearance?

Various reasons be for denial of a security clearance.  Honesty, candor, and thoroughness are very important factors in the procedure of obtaining a security clearance. Every case is individually assessed, using the National Security Adjudicative Guidelines, to determine whether the granting or standing of eligibility for a security clearance is clearly consistent with the interests of national security. SeeSecurity Executive Agent Directive 4, National Security Adjudicative Guidelines , for more information near the guidelines and specific concerns and mitigating factors.

How long does information technology take to process a typical security clearance?

Each instance varies based on the specific circumstances of the individual subject and the level of security clearance requested.

What happens if I'yard denied a security clearance? Is there an appeal procedure?

If yous are denied a security clearance, or your continued eligibility for admission to classified information is revoked, you volition be notified of the reason(due south) and be provided with the procedures for filing an appeal.  Yous will be given the opportunity to address derogatory information that is provided equally the basis for deprival or revocation.

What is east-QIP?

The Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing (due east-QIP) organisation is a web-based automated system, endemic by the Office of Personnel Management and mandated for federal government use, that facilitates the processing of standard forms used when conducting background investigations for security, suitability, fitness, and credentialing purposes.  The e-QIP system allows the user to electronically enter, update, and transmit their personal data over a secure cyberspace connection to a requesting agency.

What are some typical delays that occur in the security clearance process?

Some of the most common areas of delay include the submission of incomplete forms and information, poorly collected fingerprints, and investigations that involve coverage of extensive overseas activities.  Applicants tin can help the process by ensuring that they take completed all forms thoroughly and accurately, and when possible, providing additional references who tin verify their activities.  A lot of detailed information is required to conduct a background investigation.  When preparing to fill out your e-QIP, collect and verify information such equally names, addresses, telephone numbers, and dates of birth for immediate relatives.  Collect additional references, when possible, in case we are unable to reach those provided initially.

Who should I contact if I take questions about my groundwork investigation?

For assistance with background investigations being conducted by a federal agency other than the Department of State, please contact that agency directly.

If the position is a federal contracting position, contact your company'south facility security officer or homo resources function.

For assistance with completing your security clearance package for a Department of Land investigation or to inquire almost the status of your security clearance with the Department of State, you may email the DSS Part of Personnel Security and Suitability Customer Service Eye at or telephone call between eight A.G – 5 P.Thou. EST at (866) 643-4636 or(571) 345-3186.

DSS but releases information most the condition of an investigation straight to the subject of a Department of State investigation or the hiring authority.

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Phone (866) 643-4636or (571) 345-3186 between viii A.M. – 5P.M. EST
DSS only releases information about the status of an investigation directly to the subject area of a Department of State investigation or the hiring authority.

What Level Is Public Trust - Background Investigation?,


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